I have this what I call "My things-i-haven't-done-yet-ever-&-MUST-do-no-matter-what List". It's a compilation of thing's that i haven't done yet ever and which i am planning to do & experience within the year. Here's what i've decided i must do for 2008 at ANY cost:
1) Go to Camiguin (OK. this has always been on top of my list every year, but for some reasons, I haven't had the gumption to do it. I don't know why. i got to visit lots of new places last year but it never became part of my itinerary and this has been MY ULTIMATE DREAM PLACE EVER!!. Oh well, i guess i need more kick in the butt to make this one come true.)
2) Swimming lessons. (This is also something i've been wanting to do but just haven't had the guts to do so. What can i say? I'm scared? The beach is my first love but for some reasons i can't seem to find the courage to learn how to swim.)
3) Have my own place (This one is about to come true. Yipee!! I can't wait.. one month nalang.. =D )
4) Have my room air-conditioned (this goes hand in hand w/ # 3. unless that happens this will not)
5) Go to Batanes

7) Visit the Manila Oceanarium
8) Go to Hong Kong (Disneyland yipee!!)
9) Visit Thailand's Ayutthaya Market (floating market)
10) Parasailing
11) SCUBA Diving (After i do the swimming lessons. But who knows? if i develop the guts i might try this one first!)
12) Kumain ng Mangosteen (one of my childish dreams hehe..)

14) Buy a Laptop
15) Go to a Casino
16) Experience the Loboc River Cruise
17) Install my very own home theater system at my future place (i'm a movie buff so this one is a must once i get settled in at my own place. All i need are few speakers, a booster, my 21" TV, a DVD player, a couch & voila! I have my very own home theater. I just need to keep a stock of junk foods & i'm off to go!! Yipee!!
P.S. Got the couch at a bargain price. SM had a sale & so i grabbed the opportunity & bought a set. It's cozy & purple.. bwehehehe..
So far these are only things that i could come up with on top of my head. If i think of anything else i'll jot it down. For the meantime, i'll keep my fingers crossed. Hopefully i get to complete ALL of these. =)